Cases for Carrying your Needle
In this day and age, one is a fool not to carry around their epinephrine with them. No need to just keep it in your back pocket though. Keep it safe and keep yourself looking fashionable at the same time. Important thing to remember when purchasing is that you should get a pack that is labelled well in case of an emergency where someone needs to find it immediately. - Safety Sack is designed to hold epinephrine and other medicine in a convenient light and durable pack. You can download a template for an action plan, as well as emergency instructions and contacts, which goes right on the pouch.
Fashionable pouches made out of very cool material. Original designs and styles make it trendy in today's modern world. - Many different types of carrying cases. Single and double needles, a case that can be used for athletics, and a smaller one that allows one to carry an inhaler. - These cases have great designs and hold everything you'll need. Plus each pack is home made with attention to details like being compact and quite cute!